
Subscribed Topics

  • topics specified in `pointcloud_topics` in `elevation_mapping_cupy/config/parameters.yaml` ([sensor_msgs/PointCloud2])

    The distance measurements.

  • `/tf` ([tf/tfMessage])

    The transformation tree.

  • The plane segmentation node subscribes to an elevation map topic ([grid_map_msg/GridMap]). This can be configured in `convex_plane_decomposition_ros/config/parameters.yaml`

Published Topics

For elevation_mapping_cupy, topics are published as set in the rosparam. You can specify which layers to publish in which fps.

Under publishers, you can specify the topic_name, layers basic_layers and fps.

      layers: [ 'list_of_layer_names', 'layer1', 'layer2' ] # Choose from 'elevation', 'variance', 'traversability', 'time' + plugin layers
      basic_layers: [ 'list of basic layers', 'layer1' ] # basic_layers for valid cell computation (e.g. Rviz): Choose a subset of `layers`.
      fps: 5.0  # Publish rate. Use smaller value than `map_acquire_fps`.

Example setting in config/parameters.yaml.

  • `elevation_map_raw` ([grid_map_msg/GridMap])

    The entire elevation map.

  • `elevation_map_recordable` ([grid_map_msg/GridMap])

    The entire elevation map with slower update rate for visualization and logging.

  • `elevation_map_filter` ([grid_map_msg/GridMap])

    The filtered maps using plugins.

The plane segmentation node publishes the following:

  • `planar_terrain` ([convex_plane_decomposition_msgs/PlanarTerrain])

    A custom message that contains the full segmentation as a map together with the boundary information.

  • `filtered_map` ([grid_map_msg/GridMap])

    A grid map message to visualize the segmentation and some intermediate results. This information is also part of `planar_terrain`.

  • `boundaries` ([visualization_msgs/MarkerArray])

    A set of polygons that trace the boundaries of the segmented region. Holes and boundaries of a single region are published as separate markers with the same color.

  • `insets` ([visualization_msgs/PolygonArray])

    A set of polygons that are at a slight inward offset from `boundaries`. There might be more insets than boundaries since the inward shift can cause a single region to break down into multiple when narrow passages exist.