Semantic Pointcloud

class semantic_sensor.pointcloud_parameters.FeatureExtractorParameter(name: str = 'DINO', interpolation: str = 'bilinear', model: str = 'vit_small', patch_size: int = 16, dim: int = 5, dropout: bool = False, dino_feat_type: str = 'feat', projection_type: str = 'nonlinear', input_size: list = <factory>, feature_image_topic: str = '/semantic_sensor/feature_image', pcl: bool = True)

Bases: Serializable

name: str = 'DINO'
interpolation: str = 'bilinear'
model: str = 'vit_small'
patch_size: int = 16
dim: int = 5
dropout: bool = False
dino_feat_type: str = 'feat'
projection_type: str = 'nonlinear'
input_size: list = Field(name=None,type=None,default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,default_factory=<function PointcloudParameter.<lambda>>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),kw_only=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,_field_type=None)
feature_image_topic: str = '/semantic_sensor/feature_image'
pcl: bool = True
__init__(name: str = 'DINO', interpolation: str = 'bilinear', model: str = 'vit_small', patch_size: int = 16, dim: int = 5, dropout: bool = False, dino_feat_type: str = 'feat', projection_type: str = 'nonlinear', input_size: list = <factory>, feature_image_topic: str = '/semantic_sensor/feature_image', pcl: bool = True) None
decode_into_subclasses: ClassVar[bool] = False
class semantic_sensor.pointcloud_parameters.PointcloudParameter(sensor_name: str = 'camera', topic_name: str = '/elvation_mapping/pointcloud_semantic', channels: list = <factory>, fusion: list = <factory>, semantic_segmentation: bool = False, segmentation_model: str = 'lraspp_mobilenet_v3_large', publish_segmentation_image: bool = False, segmentation_image_topic: str = '/semantic_sensor/sem_seg', pub_all: bool = False, show_label_legend: bool = False, cam_info_topic: str = '/zed2i/zed_node/depth/camera_info', image_topic: str = '/zed2i/zed_node/left/image_rect_color', depth_topic: str = '/zed2i/zed_node/depth/depth_registered', cam_frame: str = 'zed2i_right_camera_optical_frame', confidence: bool = False, confidence_topic: str = '/zed2i/zed_node/confidence/confidence_map', confidence_threshold: int = 10, feature_extractor: bool = False, publish_feature_image: bool = False, feature_config: semantic_sensor.pointcloud_parameters.FeatureExtractorParameter = <class 'semantic_sensor.pointcloud_parameters.FeatureExtractorParameter'>)

Bases: Serializable

sensor_name: str = 'camera'
topic_name: str = '/elvation_mapping/pointcloud_semantic'
channels: list
fusion: list
semantic_segmentation: bool = False
segmentation_model: str = 'lraspp_mobilenet_v3_large'
publish_segmentation_image: bool = False
segmentation_image_topic: str = '/semantic_sensor/sem_seg'
pub_all: bool = False
show_label_legend: bool = False
cam_info_topic: str = '/zed2i/zed_node/depth/camera_info'
image_topic: str = '/zed2i/zed_node/left/image_rect_color'
depth_topic: str = '/zed2i/zed_node/depth/depth_registered'
cam_frame: str = 'zed2i_right_camera_optical_frame'
confidence: bool = False
confidence_topic: str = '/zed2i/zed_node/confidence/confidence_map'
confidence_threshold: int = 10
feature_extractor: bool = False
publish_feature_image: bool = False

alias of FeatureExtractorParameter

__init__(sensor_name: str = 'camera', topic_name: str = '/elvation_mapping/pointcloud_semantic', channels: list = <factory>, fusion: list = <factory>, semantic_segmentation: bool = False, segmentation_model: str = 'lraspp_mobilenet_v3_large', publish_segmentation_image: bool = False, segmentation_image_topic: str = '/semantic_sensor/sem_seg', pub_all: bool = False, show_label_legend: bool = False, cam_info_topic: str = '/zed2i/zed_node/depth/camera_info', image_topic: str = '/zed2i/zed_node/left/image_rect_color', depth_topic: str = '/zed2i/zed_node/depth/depth_registered', cam_frame: str = 'zed2i_right_camera_optical_frame', confidence: bool = False, confidence_topic: str = '/zed2i/zed_node/confidence/confidence_map', confidence_threshold: int = 10, feature_extractor: bool = False, publish_feature_image: bool = False, feature_config: ~semantic_sensor.pointcloud_parameters.FeatureExtractorParameter = <class 'semantic_sensor.pointcloud_parameters.FeatureExtractorParameter'>) None
decode_into_subclasses: ClassVar[bool] = False
class semantic_sensor.image_parameters.FeatureExtractorParameter(name: str = 'DINO', interpolation: str = 'bilinear', model: str = 'vit_small', patch_size: int = 16, dim: int = 10, dropout: bool = False, dino_feat_type: str = 'feat', projection_type: str = 'nonlinear', input_size: list = <factory>, pcl: bool = False)

Bases: Serializable

name: str = 'DINO'
interpolation: str = 'bilinear'
model: str = 'vit_small'
patch_size: int = 16
dim: int = 10
dropout: bool = False
dino_feat_type: str = 'feat'
projection_type: str = 'nonlinear'
input_size: list
pcl: bool = False
__init__(name: str = 'DINO', interpolation: str = 'bilinear', model: str = 'vit_small', patch_size: int = 16, dim: int = 10, dropout: bool = False, dino_feat_type: str = 'feat', projection_type: str = 'nonlinear', input_size: list = <factory>, pcl: bool = False) None
decode_into_subclasses: ClassVar[bool] = False
class semantic_sensor.image_parameters.ImageParameter(image_topic: str = '/alphasense_driver_ros/cam4/debayered', semantic_segmentation: bool = True, segmentation_model: str = 'detectron_coco_panoptic_fpn_R_101_3x', show_label_legend: bool = False, channels: list = <factory>, publish_topic: str = 'semantic_seg', publish_image_topic: str = 'semantic_seg_img', channel_info_topic: str = 'channel_info', feature_extractor: bool = False, feature_config: semantic_sensor.image_parameters.FeatureExtractorParameter = <class 'semantic_sensor.image_parameters.FeatureExtractorParameter'>, feature_topic: str = 'semantic_seg_feat', feat_image_topic: str = 'semantic_seg_feat_im', feat_channel_info_topic: str = 'feat_channel_info', resize: float = None, camera_info_topic: str = 'camera_info')

Bases: Serializable

image_topic: str = '/alphasense_driver_ros/cam4/debayered'
semantic_segmentation: bool = True
segmentation_model: str = 'detectron_coco_panoptic_fpn_R_101_3x'
show_label_legend: bool = False
channels: list
publish_topic: str = 'semantic_seg'
publish_image_topic: str = 'semantic_seg_img'
channel_info_topic: str = 'channel_info'
feature_extractor: bool = False

alias of FeatureExtractorParameter

feature_topic: str = 'semantic_seg_feat'
feat_image_topic: str = 'semantic_seg_feat_im'
feat_channel_info_topic: str = 'feat_channel_info'
resize: float = None
camera_info_topic: str = 'camera_info'
__init__(image_topic: str = '/alphasense_driver_ros/cam4/debayered', semantic_segmentation: bool = True, segmentation_model: str = 'detectron_coco_panoptic_fpn_R_101_3x', show_label_legend: bool = False, channels: list = <factory>, publish_topic: str = 'semantic_seg', publish_image_topic: str = 'semantic_seg_img', channel_info_topic: str = 'channel_info', feature_extractor: bool = False, feature_config: ~semantic_sensor.image_parameters.FeatureExtractorParameter = <class 'semantic_sensor.image_parameters.FeatureExtractorParameter'>, feature_topic: str = 'semantic_seg_feat', feat_image_topic: str = 'semantic_seg_feat_im', feat_channel_info_topic: str = 'feat_channel_info', resize: float = None, camera_info_topic: str = 'camera_info') None
decode_into_subclasses: ClassVar[bool] = False
semantic_sensor.utils.encode_max(maxim, index)